Incrementors Digital Marketing Scholarship
Take advantage of this opportunity to win a 2022 Digital Marketing Scholarship worth $1500 from Incrementors.
At Incrementors, we understand the role of education in providing young people with opportunities for career advancement and overall professional success. Therefore, in order to help facilitate opportunities for those currently enrolled in Digital Marketing or IT programs at either the undergraduate or postgraduate levels we have instituted the Incrementors Digital Marketing Scholarship program.

Who is Eligible?
What are the Requirements?
▸ Online Marketing
▸ Introduction to Digital Marketing
▸ Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
▸ Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
▸ Social Media Marketing (SMM)
▸ Email Marketing
▸ Inbound Marketing
▸ Growth Hacking
▸ Web Analytics
▸ Mobile Marketing
▸ Affiliate Marketing
▸ Digital Display Advertising
▸ Video Marketing
Tell us, using a minimum of 2000 words, the nature of your passion for online marketing work, why you chose a digital marketing major, how you think you can contribute to the betterment of the digital industry and where you see the industry going in the future. Finally, spend at least 1 full paragraph explaining why Artificial Intelligence, User Experience and Mobile Searches will play a vital role in the future of the digital industry.
Make sure you include your first and last name, email address and school name and location in the header of the essay and submit it to [email protected] for consideration. There will be one winner of the Incrementors Digital Marketing Scholarship.
All essays must be received no later than midnight 30-May-2022, with the winner to be announced early 30-Jun-2022. Good luck!