In today’s challenging economy, business owners are constantly looking for that edge. When it comes to creating and developing an online presence for your business, there are many different things that you can do to benefit it. A common thought for business owners is “How can I help my businesses?” Unlock Your Free SEO Audit Now Unlock your website’s full potential! Get a FREE SEO …
Latest News And Posts About Digital Marketing
SEO [Search Engine Optimization]
Have you ever wondered on searching something in a search engine that why some websites’ links come on very first page? Why some selected websites are ranked well than others? When you enter some keyword in the search box of any search engine, on the result page you get summary list of some websites along with a small description called ‘meta description’. Actually link, Meta …
PPC Services
PPC or Pay per Click services are online services or in fact formulas for the amount of money spent by advertiser on getting click[s] on his advertisement. Every click by the user on the advertisement directs him to the advertiser’s website. Advertisers pay a fixed amount to publishers for every click on their ad[s] by the users [website visitors]. For content based sites another term …
Google Basics
Here is an article about the Internet giant – The Google. On the most of the internet browsers the home page is Google. Reason is clear; Google in itself is a big source of information, shopping, navigation, research, entertainment and much more. On 15th September, 1996 domain was registered. For a site-master while having planning of SEO for search engine like Google he should …
Bing Basics
Bing is the property of Bill Gates. It is a product of Microsoft Corporation which serves as a search engine [SE] in the internet world. Previously it was know by the names Windows Live search or MSN search [Microsoft Network search] but on May 28th, 2009 it got its new name i.e. Bing. Today Bing is the second most popular search engine. Unlock Your Free …
Organic Web Search Ranking Factors
Every search engine has secret algorithm to rank any web-page. Also there are strong chances that Search Engines change their algorithm frequently and in irregular pattern. Different SEO professionals have their own views regarding optimization to earn better ranking. But here we are discussing some of the important factors which every SEO professional thinks, can contribute greatly to improve site ranking. Unlock Your Free SEO …
Google Hummingbird: Celebrating 15 Years of Success
Google recently updated its search algorithm and search engine optimizer with the Google Hummingbird, software assured to improve search, quicken up the process and introduce a new level of user interface with a new listing and ranking procedure, called the PageRank. With this new update already in function; Google intends to create new guidelines for online searching, enlisting and ranking web pages and sites. And …
Google Panda: Content Quality Checking Search Algorithm
The world prefers Google. When it comes to online search, nothing rivals the competence and credibility of Google. It is the defining search engine. While other search engines have their existence, Google simply outshines them. So when the new search algorithm was introduced, the Google Panda, the internet was bound to face transition in the World Wide Web. With an all new algorithm that preferred …
Google Penguin – SEO Guys Be Aware
Google has been providing its users with meanings, explanations, searches and several references, over the past decade. However with so much information available now and the continuous expansion of knowledge and information, Google must adopt new techniques, methods and procedures to more than just keep up with the explosion of data on the internet. It must search in less than a second, provide the most …
Landing Page Tips
On every website there are some pages which tell most to the users [visitors] about the company plus those pages have potential to convert the visit of page visitor into a sale. Which are those pages? How are they important? Why website owners want visitor to visit them most? How to raise the importance of those pages? Well answers to all these questions are here, …